There's no point in blogging about something you do not know or something that does not hold your interests because that will show on your write-ups. If you are not interested the readers will not be interested as well.
Write first for yourself, because you are your first and best audience. Because you know what you like, and if you like something it is easy to talk about. Just imagine that your blog is a conversation between you and someone else, if the topic is something you do not know, all you could really say is.... uhmmm.... uh..huh.... or you just keep your mouth shut. If the the topic is something your passionate about, even heaven can not stop you in talking about it.
So write about something you know. Enthusiasm is infectious if you feel good about what you are writing, the reader will feel good as well. Who knows that they might come back for a second serving, and you will find yourself a regular reader.
-access out, God speed!