First thing I went out to do I bought a Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DVD. *a chorus of what the...*
Yup, I know Transformers:ROTF is not one of the best movies out there, but I just recently read the 20 commandments of nerds, and well I had the first Transformers movie in DVD so I better have the sequel as well. I won't be a bona fide geek if I didn't do so. :)
I earned this money from writing about these kind of movies so I think I deserve to buy a DVD of it.
Honestly it was not my first choice, I was really looking for a G.I.Joe; Rise of the Cobra DVD. *a bigger WHAT THE...*
Calm down people calm down. I'm a child of the 80s and these were my shows. I'm just glad that the cartoons I've been watching as a kid, has evolved into this kind of movies. I know some of you may hate these movies, but the kid in me is just roaring with excitement. So, pardon me and to each his own.
Well I'm just glad that my passion (translate inward geekiness) allows me to translate it to monetary substance thru adsense. It's just really fun, writing. reading and exchanging ideas about Superheroes, Hi-Tech Soldiers, and Giant Robots and then earning from them.
I'm hoping this is not the last time because the DVD for those Blue feline-humanoid Nav'i from Pandora is next in line.
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