Blog only what you know

So you decided you want to blog, so that you could continue on your dream of earning with your blog. The next question is what do you blog about?  It comes down to what you know and what you are passionate about.

There's no point in blogging about something you do not know or something that does not hold your interests because that will show on your write-ups. If you are not interested the readers will not be interested as well.

Write first for yourself, because you are your first and best audience. Because you know what you like, and if you like something it is easy to talk about. Just imagine that your blog is a conversation between you and someone else, if the topic is something you do not know, all you could really say is.... uhmmm.... uh..huh.... or you just keep your mouth shut.  If the the topic is something your passionate about, even heaven can not stop you in talking about it.

So write about something you know. Enthusiasm is infectious if you feel good about what you are writing, the reader will feel good as well. Who knows that they might come back for a second serving, and you will find yourself a regular reader.

-access out, God speed!

Blog first before considering making any money

You have written two or three sentences, you posted it in the internet and congratulations you have your first blog. Hmmmm… then an idea pops up in your head. I want to make money out of these sentences. You heard somewhere that the best place to earn with your blog is by adding adsense. So you signed up with a google adsense account. You got crazy and placed every available ad that adsense allows. 1 Leaderboard - check, 1 wideskyscraper - check, 1 box - check. Not yet satisfied you need to place more from adsense. 1 link unit - check, 1 adsense for search - check, and 1 adsense for feeds - check. Truly this is a foolproof plan in starting your money-making blog empire. All you have to do now is wait for the dollars to trickle in - Kaching! Kaching!

A day passed, no changes in your earnings with adsense. You thought to yourself adsense must need some more time to reflect your big bucks earnings. You decided you could wait and check a week after but still no changes, then a month after and still there still no changes. Only at that moment did it sink in you, that dream car that you were dreaming of will stay a dream. You then breakdown and cry, you cry so much until you wasted away into an empty husk.

This is a true story, well not the wasting away into an empty husk part, but the belief that making money with blogging is easy. Truth be told I don't know anybody personally who is earning good money with blogging. Hopefully that puts doubt in you, before you decide leaving your regular paying job with the uncertainty of internet money.

Though I am not saying that this could not be done. But those who "made it" has struggled to a lot of trials and errors before they arrived to where they are now.

My tip for you is this, if you are not discouraged yet, go into the habit of posting in your blog regularly. Do this for a couple of months, do not think of making money just yet. Just write and write even at those times that you do not feel like writing you write some more. If you could do this, without checking yourself in an asylum, then maybe then you could think of monetizing your blog.

A word to the wise though, even if you have written several epics, posted thousands of times in your blogs, it is still no guarantee that you'll make any money out of your blogs. Tough but true!

-access out, God speed!

Random Tip: in increasing traffic to your site [tip #1]

I have said this before even though your blog is out there it does not mean people will visit it. So, if we are serious in earning with our blogs the first thing we need to do is to increase the traffic to our site.

So my first tip is to submit to as many search engine as we can. Here's a short list that we could start with:

1. Alexa
2. AltaVista
3. AllTheWeb
4. AOL
5. Ask
7. ExactSeek
8. Excite
9. GigaBlast
10. Google
11. Hotbot
12. Kanoodle
13. Live
14. Lycos
15. LookSmart
16. MSN
17. National Directory
18. Netscape
19. SearchIt
20. WebCrawler
21. What-U-Seek
22. Yahoo

Try it out, I'll post also if there's any significant spike on my traffic.

-access out, God speed!

Aside from adsense I seriously don't have any idea how to make money with my blog?

I know about inserting adsense into my blog, but making money out of it is not really that easy. I am fortunate enough to have more than a thousand hits a day but that doesn't really translate into big money, the best I get so far is about $1 a day. So my question is how do I make serious money with blogging?

-access out, God speed!

Promote blog to increase traffic

Do you know the addage -"Build it and they will come!"

That's not true in blogging, don't expect people to read your blog just because it is there. If you want people to notice that your blog is there try promoting it, there are a lot of ways that you can do this. Ask your friends or family personally to read what you've written, make sure that they could get something out of it, not just your random rants.

I guess you could use that Journalism motto - "Educates, informs and entertain."
Because there's really no point if those three are not present in your blog.

You could also promote it in your social networking site, if you have myspace, facebook, friendster, etc... tell your friends there that you have started a blog and let them read it and ask what they think about it.

If you have twitter, the same thing just copy your blogs URL and tweet it and ask people who might be interested in reading your posts.

There are a lot of ways for you to choose from on how to attract people to your blogs, all you need is to be creative.

So Build it, Promote it and they will come!
-access out, God speed!

Layman's take on how Google Adsense work.

If you're no techie and don't understand those big technical terms - well, you and me are on the same boat. I don't understand half of what these guys are talking. So I'll write down here what I understand about how those Google Adsense Ads work, on my own words.(To those techie guys correct me if I am wrong)

Well Adsense is a product of Google that provides advertisements that you could place on your blogs. This advertisements when viewed and clicked (for a considerable number) will allow you to earn money. Note: the clicking should be done by readers of your blog and not by you, because if Google learns that your are clicking your own advertisements you'll get banned from the program - Believe me Google is Omniscient when it comes to these things. So, better not try it.

The Ads Adsense displays is either text or image, you have control over it in your account. The good thing is that Adsense displays advertisements that are related to the blogs you are writing. That increases the chances of clicks when people who are interested in your blogs might also be interested on the ads because of its relation or connection to what you have written.

Advertisements comes in different sizes so it's all up to you on what to choose and where to place them. Read more about ad placements, this has become a Science of sort to other bloggers. What size is perfect for your blog? What color scheme, how many do you need to put in your blog? All of those they have answers for.

Back to earning with Adsense, again Adsense is no quick money scheme, it is like any other business - it is a number's game. If people read your blog there's more chances of earning money. So my advise write relevant and popular topics, so you will attract readers. Write frequently, do not expect to earn from 1 post, in fact do not expect to earn from 1000 posts. If you are really serious in wanting to make money with Adsense, you just need to keep on writing. Because the more things you write, the more presence you have in the internet, and the more likely people will stumble upon your work. So, if you write something meaningful they will come back and maybe bring a friend or two.

Start writing, and then placing Google's Adsense on your blog.

-access out, God speed!

Google Adsense on your blog, is it easy money?

Random blogging tip on how to make money on your blog.

You've read this I guess countless of times in other blogs(if you do read other blogs), the best and easiest option you have in monetizing your blog is to have some advertisements on it.

You have to take note though that easiest doesn't mean easy money, that this will not make you a millionaire overnight, it just means that this is the option that is readily available to any starting blogger.

So, how to place ads on your blogs. First is to get an Ad network that will automatically place ads on your blogs. The most obvious choice for this one is Google Adsense, try to visit their site and open an account with them. If things go smoothly you could have an account within a day though I think it could vary from 1 day to 5(it really depends on how fast adsense can manage your account).

Note: this is the most important advise you could get from me with Google Adsense. Follow their RULES strictly, because you don't want to be banned.

Once your account is approved, it's just a matter of copy and pasting codes to your blog. Again this will not make you rich overnight, and might not even get you a bottle of soda. What you need to keep in mind is if you want to earn with ads, you should have a lot of people reading your blogs(or what a lot of bloggers term as traffic).

How many you ask? Is 10 enough, and I'll tell you 10,000 may not be enough, me I have 100,000 who has visited my site and I just earned roughly $10. I'm just giving you fair warning, earning with Adsense is not for the faint of heart. Though it is doable and people do earn decent income with Adsense.

Starting is tough but it does get better thru time. It's just a matter of being smart at it. If you want to learn more how to drive "traffic" to your blog read more about SEO's, that has helped a lot of bloggers and it might help you.

-access out, God speed!

Blogging myself to sleep

It's two in the morning and I can't sleep, so I decided to blog. The problem is I don't know what to blog about. I've been staring at my monitor for quite some time now, before I started this rant. Though I still don't have anything helpful to contribute in this world. Darn I'm sorry for wasting your time if you're reading this, you can stop now you know.

Hmmmm... why are you still reading? I don't really have anything to say, well I have things to say but nothing that important right now. So, if I were you quit already and move on to other blogs who that are much better and where you can learn from.

I'm just writing this because I just need some distractions, I need something to dull my mind and make me sleepy. Seems like it's already working, my heads a bit drowsy already, so pardon any grammatical mistakes I made. Though that doesn't changes even if my mind is lucid enough.

Big word "lucid" huh? I had to google it I'm not sure if I'd used it correctly. Well, it seems like I have to leave you here. If you're still there thanks for keeping up with my rantings, you shouldn't have, you should have gone away from the first two words I've written. Though thanks anyways, whoever you are appreciate it.

Yeah right, before I'm totally gone. Blogging tip -if there's no really theme to your blogs and your not really out for money, then type whatever comes to mind(or whatever is not coming to your mind).

K I got to get my Zzzzz's

-access out, God speed!

Five (5) reasons why I want to make money from my blogs

1.) I hate my present job
2.) I really hate my present job
3.) I want to work anywhere and anytime
4.) Did I say that I really really hate my present job
5.) I want to try my hands in gardening

-access out, God speed!

Honestly, nobody reads your blog!

You want to know a secret, nobody really reads your blog. Yes you've written a blog, and yes you've posted it in the internet, it is there for the whole world to see, but nobody doesn't really give a damn about your blog. That my friend is a fact! You've written about how someone broken your heart, posted a picture of your sleeping dog, pasted a recipe of homemade pancakes, all of these you've placed on your blog. And all of these are junks in the internet super hi-way.

These are true to 99.99% of all blogs. I am still waiting for this to be proven wrong.
-access out, God speed!

For goodness sake stop blogging

The internet already has a lot of useless information. Why add another? Do you have a point that you want to get across, is it that important? You blog, and after one(1) post you stop, did that make any difference? All you did was take up some important cyberspace that could have been used for important documents like cancer research. So, why blog? If your heart is not really in blogging, if you don't really see yourself writing all the time, then why blog? Give us all a break. So, for goodness sake stop blogging even before you start.