I stand with that statement, and I still believe that is true. You should blog only what you know. That is why if you want to blog about something else, like things that are popular. Learn what you can about them before you start posting. Again readers will know if you are just winging it, and if they sense that you do not know what you are talking about they will drop your blog like a hot potato.
Learning new things is not that bad, it widens your knowledge and gives you a variety on what to blog.
So, why does blogging about popular things increases your chances for larger traffic. Well popularity is directly proportional to followers, the more popular one thing is more followers it has. It gives you a bigger target audience.
As I pointed out before in my other posts if you do decide to make money on your blog, what you need is traffic. Making money out of your blog is a numbers game. Just imagine how many people are interested in reading about Robert Pattison of Twilight(Well not me, but there are millions out there who would) than writing about your collection of bubble gum wrappers.
Writing something about popular events, things and people increases the chances of internet users stumbling about your blog in search engines like Google. Though I still emphasize learning as much as you can about a certain topic before you start posting about them. Your goal is not to have someone visit your site once but have a regular reader.
-access out, God speed!
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